Dcypher E-Commerce Box




Cosmetics & Beauty

Product Type

E-commerce Shipper


Sustainable, 0429 Fefco Die Cut Case, E 150WTK/150T FSC Mix 70%

ecommerce makeup shipper
dcypher box
dcypher box

Dcypher is a technology-driven makeup brand whose mission is to provide each and every customer with the personalised makeup that they deserve.

The packaging specification for Dcypher called for the use of two fitments precisely designed to suit the outer 0429 Fefco Die Cut Case, to ensure secure product placement within the packaging. With advice from our expert team, the packaging material selected for the project was E 150WTK/150T FSC Mix 70%, ensuring sustainability without compromising on strength. The print design used two colours (1C/1C) to create a sleek, professional look.

Final delivery of the project was made to Dcypers UK warehouse ready for fulfilment.

fitment for ecommerce shipper makeup
fitment for ecommerce shipper makeup
fitment for ecommerce shipper cosmetics
fitment for ecommerce shipper cosmetics

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